Sunday, February 28, 2010

Almost Spring

Waiting for spring is hard. Not that I am longing for time to rush by,  for it goes way to fast as it is! But spring is the time of year where all is fresh and new. I think I appreciate fresh and new the older I get...
But I see signs,  green spears are poking their way through the frozen ground,  and there are a few brave blooms of hellebores in white and pink. There is a dash of yellow in the wood chips outside my bedroom window, crocus won't wait for warmer days. Buds are swelling on the pear trees, forsythia, and the willows have popped with velvet gray puffs. Yet winter has a strong hold on the south, there were snow flakes in the air today. It is the first time in many years that the daffodils haven't been brave enough to shine by the first week of February.
Amarilla starting to bloom 
from bulbs I keep from year to year
my favorite
The way I satisfy my longing is to let flowers take over the window sills of my south facing windows. Orchids dressed in bright pink, amaryllis in petticoats  of pink and white, maidenhair ferns in tender green, and christmas cactus that have just finished their second bloom. I think because they love their home with a view over the ever changing Whisper Pond.  The geese have come back and the robins are surviving the last of the cold.  I am too, especially when the sun pushes the clouds away.


               I have decided to join Blog Spot... I love to read and write, so this could                              potentially be fun if I become a faithful blogger                                                                           and follower of  bloggers.                                                                                                     
                                                           Time will tell!